As a reminder, the Monitorpack concept is as follows:
Microsoft security prerequisites must be completed
Open Monitorpack Guard > Create alerts > Select Monitoring Printer >
The Monitorpack concept is unique and fetches all existing performance counters directly from the remote server, you will have to choose the option o Current logon if the account of the current session is an administrator of the remote machine, otherwise use the o Alternate credential option. and provide the correct account. You can consult the best practices defined in the Monitorpack Guard prerequisites.
Select domain or workgroup in ▼ Domain combo box, then select the workstatipon or server, click in ▼ PC or Server combo box (keep in mind that you add any IP address, netbios ou DNS name in), finally click on ▼ Printer combo box and choose the remote printers you will monitor.
Provided that all fields are correctly configured, you can create the alert by clicking on [ Create ] select the type of alarm (mail, log, SQL, ticket)