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supervision Cloud

Easy monitoring solution

Innovative application supervision by mapping.

Application monitoring

Application monitoring

Quickly access the status of all your applications from your PC, tablet.

freeware for monitoring

Azure & Power BI portal services

Native integration into Microsoft reporting solutions.

Pricing - June 2024

A single Monitorpack Discovery license gives you access to Addons (SNMP addon is ecxluded from limited version), you thus have a complete ecosystem of IT supervision and maintenance. unlimited alerts, alarms or device to control once you are able to reach it from Monitorpack Guard machine.

# REF Information Description Price Subscription Subscription
INS Quick Start Installation & configuration package.   $ 209   

We provide a service of approximately two hours, carried out remotely by Monitorpack engineers or one of its technical representatives in order to install, configure the solution, transmit basic information for handling and create the first alerts.

(*) Concerning the report deployment part, it cannot be included in this rapid service because it alone exceeds two hours. Contact us to request a quote.

# REF Informations Description per month per year Subscription Subscription
DSB 1 license IP Network browser - Monitorpack Discovery and Monitorpack Guard limited to 40 controls each five minutes.   $ 49   $ 490
DIS 1 license IP Network browser - Monitorpack Discovery, Monitorpack SNMP and Monitorpack Guard unlimited controls   $ 195   $ 1950

A single Monitorpack Discovery license gives you access to Monitorpack Guard & Monitorpack SNMP.

# REF Information Description Price Subscription Subscription
AZP 1 license Azure SaaS - Azure dedicated infrastructure   $ 690   

Dedicated SQL server instance whithin isolated Azure resource group, Backup and restore of database 12 months and 4 weeks retentions, Unlimited read/write and IP firewall administration, Microsoft Defender antivirus for SQL servers. Update and maintenance of about 100 permanent reports, Azure account in monitorpack.com tenant with one PowerBI Pro licence included in your subscription, Power automate license included to run perpetual stored procedures, Hyperscale level of Azure service with 2 vcores, Redondance is RA-GRS Azure (copies your data synchronously three times within a single physical location) Administration & support is provided with a guaranteed 48h response time during business days (monday to friday) with a normal priority in the support queue

ID Products & services Description Details Services
SP1 Remote service Remote services by our engineers or partners. 1 consultant day
SP2 Prestation sur site On-site services by our engineers or partners. 1 consultant day

All our sales are inclusive of tax. European companies with a valid VAT number will be exempt from VAT. Non-European companies will purchase directly tax-free.