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PC inventory & Reporting Services  Monitorpack Guard for IT monitoring

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Details pour la création d'une alerte

Monitorpack provides an .exe file which must be executed recurrently by the Windows Task Scheduler, below are the steps allowing setting up this synchronization.

This task synchronizes the file generated by Monitorpack Discovery in the SQL databases, which then allows you to display its information either in a local Power BI report Server or in Azure Power BI depending on your SQL architecture configuration.

  • Download the latest version of the file named "MonitorpackSyncDevices.zip" Create the folder "C:\ScriptsMonitorpack" then unzip the file so that the MonitorpackSyncDevices.exe executable is present in this folder.

  • Check powershell local execution policy

  • Get-ExecutionPolicy

  • Update the runlevel to be RemoteSigned if necessary

  • Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

  • Check that the PowerShell SQL module is implemented on the local machine where the task will be executed.

  • Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Force

  • Create the following scheduled task by opening a cmd window in administrator mode, then execute the following command

  • schtasks /create /tn "Monitorpack Discovery Sync" /tr "\"C:\ScriptsMonitorpack\MonitorpackSyncDevices.exe"" /sc hourly /mo 1

  • In the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Monitorpack Guard" check that all files ContractID.txt, LocalInstance.txt, LocalDBName.txt, LocalLoginUser.txt, LocalPassword.txt are not empty so SQL fields are correctly populated in the Discovery SQL server interface, otherwise script will pop up an error message.

Download the file named MonitorpackSyncDevices.zip


Task synchronization to SQL Server can only work if the SQL configuration has been validated first, which implies that the reporting part has been set up (whether locally, in AWS, at your Cloud provider or Azure) for this refer to the deployment part.

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