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Network scanner & Server Cloud  Discovery module

The Discovery module is a network discovery engine that allows you to discover all devices on your local network, without any device limit, whether routers, Windows PCs, servers or cameras, smart plugs, in fact any device with an IP address and identify their manufacturer for most of them.

A subscription to one of the Discovery versions (# DIL, DSB or DIS) is required before you can use all Guard & SNMP modules.

Network Discovery

Network Discovery (# NDO) is the "IP scanner" version, also using the Discovery module, this version does not work with Guard or SNMP modules.

Discovery 100, 250 & 500

Only Discovery 100 (# DIL), 250 (# DSB) & Discovery 500 (# DIS) work with the Monitorpack Guard and SNMP modules.

Network Discovery works alone - its function is network discovery, IP, HostNane, MAC, Analysis of providers and basic services (SSH, NetBIOS, FTP, SMB, WEB), It does not allow to use Guard and/or SNMP modules.

The Discovery module is an engine/scanner that discovers all devices with an IP address on your IP range. It consolidates them into a dynamic list and refreshes this list every five minutes. This is done in the background by the Windows Monitorpack Discovery Engine service. This list is used by the Monitorpack Guard and SNMP solutions to perform All queries. You can also run a discovery query yourself and export it to Excel from the Discovery console.

Discovery of networks, WiFi of all devices with an IP address.

  • Updating & detecting the manufacturers of each device. Detection of shared services, web services, FTP directories, SSH and Active Directory,

  • Permanent database update (discovered every 5 minutes) in the background (Windows service), which allows you to operate Monitorpack Guard, Asset & SNMP with a single subscription.

  • Allows with a single subscription to operate Monitorpack Guard, Asset & SNMP..

  • All shares present on my servers and PCs.

  • All printers present in my Microsoft environment.

Monitorpack Discovery is quickly installed on a single server or PC Windows 10, 11 in your network, products must also be installed on the same machine where Monitorpack Discovery is present.

If you cancel your subscription before the end of the trial period there will be no billing.


Monitorpack on Youtube.

August 2024 - Monitorpack now offers 3 subscription levels.

06/24/2024 - How to detect ransomwares