Monitorpack is very pleased to offer you Probe Guard which is completely free.
you just need to download it and copy paste it on your Windows desktop to use it immediately; Monitorpack Probe Guard
is secured and guaranteed without viruses
Probe Guard is a freeware tool designed to monitor the response time and status of a network connection to a specific address and port. It allows users to set triggers based on response time and connection status, displaying alerts when either trigger is activated.
Network Connection Monitoring - Check the response time and status (Connected, Timeout, Error, or Unknown) of a specified IP address or DNS name and port.
Customizable Alarms - Users can set triggers based on response time or status to receive visual alerts (green for success, red for failure).
Logging and Display - The application logs connection details in a list and displays real-time connection metrics.
Measuring response time
When control button is clicked
The system attempts to connect to the specified address and port using a TcpClient.
The application measures the time taken to establish the connection.
The tool logs the response time and connection status (Connected, Timeout, Error, or Unknown).
Max try duration is 3 secondes, after 3000 ms timeout is occuring.
Triggering alarms
Response time alarms - If the response time trigger is enabled, the tool checks the actual response time against the threshold specified by the user using the selected comparison rule (<, >, or =).
Status alarms - If the status trigger is enabled, the tool checks if the connection status matches the selected status in the ComboBoxStatus.
If either condition is met, an alarm is triggered and displayed visually.
Common use cases
Server Availability Monitoring - Use Probe Guard to monitor if website, cloud service, server is up and responding within acceptable time frames.
Network Issue Detection - Check if response time is too high or connection fails..
Service Issue Detection - Check LDAP, DNS, SMTP and all protocols response time from 1 to 65535, Express route 365 accesses are too high, or connection fails, etc..