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Your dashboards with a Power BI subscription

Today you have the possibility to consolidate a hundred predefined reports, with Microsoft technology by simply injecting them into your Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) or Power BI Premium client.

Our reports are free, available for download, maintained and updated regularly, we can also develop specific reports according to your requirements.

You can connect these reports to a SQL server which can be a SQL Express version, a cloud version, an AWS version or a serverless version in Azure, the choice is yours.

The procedure below exclusively presents the deployment of your paginated reports in an Azure tenant, assuming that you have at least one Power BI PPU license which allows you to inject paginated reports directly into your Power workspace BI.

In this way you will have in your infrastructure, reports in your Azure tenant, that you can share with all your collaborators by administering the Entra ID rights, Consult from anywhere from your Power BI client.

Deploy and manage paginated reports (.RDL) in Power BI Service

SQL steps

Power BI steps

Our procedures are sufficiently detailed, however, if you would like to be assisted by one of our engineers in order to deploy your reporting solution, do not hesitate to contact us

License: A Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) or Power BI Premium license is required to use paginated reports.

Infrastructure: A Microsoft Azure tenant.

Tools required:

  • Visual Studio (free): For editing .RDL files.

  • Microsoft Reporting Services Projects Extension: Available via Visual Studio Marketplace .

1. Creating the Azure database

We recommend that you create a dedicated Group resource in your Azure tenant and then select a serverless SQL server in order to then allow you to create a database that you must imperatively name Monitorpack_Guard. You can then download the SQL file that will allow you to create all the tables and stored procedures in a few seconds.

1. Azure database connection

In order to be able to dynamically update your Power BI reports, you must, from your Power BI portal ( be connected to the SQL database which allows you to collect information by creating a Cloud type connector. You will also need to implement a way to synchronize or run stored procedures every 5 minutes, Power Automate is one of the possible solutions to run stored procedures.

1. Prepare RDL Files

Paginated reports are provided in .RDL format. You can use Visual Studio to review or edit content, including data sources.

2. Install Visual Studio and the RDL Extension

1. Download Visual Studio Community from this link.

3. Install the Microsoft Reporting Services Projects extension, which you can download here

  • Open Visual Studio.

  • Go to Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online.

  • Search for and install Microsoft Reporting Services Projects.

  • Restart Visual Studio.

Add the extension that will allow Visual Basic to process .rdl reports

  • Download and install the latest version of the Microsoft.DataTools.ReportingServices.vsix file.

  • Go to Tools > Options, and then select Extensions and Updates under General.

  • Under "Additional Extension Galleries," enter the following information:

  • Name: Microsoft BI VSIX Preview

  • URL:

  • After entering these settings, your "Extensions and Updates" dialog box will display the extension updates when there is a new release candidate that you can install to provide feedback for a day or two before the VS Gallery VSIX is updated.

4. Edit Data Sources

Open the RDL files in Visual Studio > open each report > show the reports Data > Data Source Properties view. Update the data source information (authentication, connection string, etc.) as needed. Save changes.

In Visual Studio community > report data window > Data source >Monitorpack_Guard > right click Data Source Properties > General > Embedded Connection > Type Microsoft SQL Server > properties > connection string:

Data Source=Name of your SQL server;Initial Catalog=Monitorpack_Guard
Example: Data;Initial Catalog=Monitorpack_Guard

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IT incident management

5. Manage connections and gateways

In your space click on Settings, go to Manage connections and gateways then create a new connection of type Cloud by clicking on New, in the new connection tab select the type Cloud, in Connection Name provide a name for example Monitorpack Gateway, in Connection Type choose SQL Server In server provide the name of your SQL Azure server in the format (, in the database field, write Monitorpack_Guard select basic authentication mode provide name username and password of the SQL account of the serverless SQL server. Test and validate this connection you can determine whether you want the exchanges to be encrypted or not in the configuration of your connector. The connector name is the one that should be used in the connection string of paginated reports

SaaS supervision
Gestion des incidents informatiques

Gestion des incidents informatiques

6. Load RDL Files into Power BI Service

1. Log in to with your PPU license.

2. Create a Premium Workspace or use an existing one.

3. Click New > Upload File > Paginated Report (.RDL).

4. Import the RDL files one by one.

7. (Optional) Create an App from the Workspace

Once the reports are imported, create a Power BI app from the workspace to centralize their distribution:

  • Go to the workspace.

  • Click Publish an application.

  • Follow the steps to customize the application and share it with your users.


SQL: You will have to expressly authorize the public IP address from which you will connect to the SQL server in order to authorize it to write to your SQL server > Resource groups > Your SQL Server > Security > Networking > in Public access select Selected networks, in the Firewall rules tab Check that your IP address is authorized and that the exception allow Azure services and resources to access this server is checked. You can follow the automated recommendations of defender but remember that the connection is end-to-end TLS encrypted, it is necessary to use a login / password to access the database, the exposure is linked to your unique public IP address, this accumulation of restrictions provides a very high level of security according to Microsoft's own criteria.

Connecting Monitorpack to your SQL server

You can't get any easier to start consolidating your alarms to SQL server whether in the Monitorpack Guard console or Monitorpack SNMP. select the SQL server tab, provide the connection parameters login, password, the instance of your SQL server, the name of your database which is always Monitorpack_Guard (except in the case of Express server).

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IT incident management

Don't forget in each creation alert that you want to consolidate in SQL, check the box named Update local DB in the Data consolidation tab of your alerts.

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IT incident management


Simplicity: No need for local infrastructure like SQL Server or Power BI Report Server.
Customization: Reports can be modified at any time via Visual Studio.
Collaboration: Easily share paginated reports with your team or clients via Power BI Service.